Saturday, December 17, 2011
Gratis Software USB Secure 1.6.6 plus Crack
Memang benar penyebaran virus paling efektif dan paling cepat..selain melalui media internet Flash disc/usb...juga sangat rentan Apa lagi jatuh ketngan orang orang yang tak bertanggung jawab yang dengan senak jidat nya utak atik isi falsh disc kita tanpa Perlindungan Password,Oleh karna itu kita mesti super hati 2 dan jangan asal colok usb ke komputer tanpa perlindungan yang memadai..kali ini aqu ingin share sebuah Software untuk melindungi USB kita dari berbagai ancaman virus juga Password protectiff..yaitu USB Secure 1.6.6 semoga dengan adanya perlindungan terhadap flash disc kita ,semua data yang tersimpan di dalam nya terselamat kan dari berbagai serangan Virus..yang menyebalkan...ok Kita lihat fitur fitur nya yuukk...:
Features and Benefits:
- Password Protection: USB Secure is a powerful tool to password protect USB drive and all other external portable media. No matter what type of external storage device you use, USB Secure password protects it within seconds.
- No Administrator Rights Required: USB Secure doesn’t install any kernel or filter drivers, and therefore doesn’t require any administrator rights to password protect USB drive and other portable media.
- Compatible Everywhere: The program works on all flavors of Windows i.e. Windows 2000/ Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7.0. USB Secure works perfectly well on all external portable media like USB flash drives, Thumb Drives, Memory Sticks, Memory Cards, Pen Drives and Jump Drives.
- Autoplay Feature: Full plug and play is supported that lets you automatically protect USB drive and all such external storage devices currently plugged into your PC.
- Complete USB Security:Whatever information, files, folders and documents you put in your USB drive, USB Secure keeps them completely secured.
- Reliable and Independent: USB Secure lets you protect USB drive’s data by using several layers of patent pending protection methods. This makes its protection, PC and hardware independent.
- Peace of Mind: Total peace of mind from security leaks and privacy breaches. Never again fear of what’s happening to your device while it is lost.
- User Friendly Interface: USB Secure is easy to install, run and use. It doesn’t complicate its users with technical jargon common in other encryption programs.
- Ease of Use: A very easy to use program with user-friendly interface.
- Affordable Software: USB Secure is a new addition to our robust collection of affordable and reliable security applications. You need not to shed hundreds of dollars to protect USB drive!
What's New in This Release:
This version update of USB Secure resolves compatibility issue with external drives on non-administrative users. A recommended update.
DOWNLOAD Gratis Software USB Secure 1.6.6 plus Crack
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